Own a home
First Story builds across the Northwest

Tap on a state to learn about the First Story homeownership journey and homes currently available.

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We promote and back a positive advertising and marketing plan where everyone can access housing without being stopped due to their race, skin color, religion, gender, physical or mental challenges, family situation, or where they come from.
123 families served

100% earn less than 80% of area median income

100% are first-time homebuyers

123 families served

100% earn less than 80% of area median income

100% are first-time homebuyers

80% are the first in their families to ever own a home

30% identify as Latino or Black

20% are households with children who have disabilities

80% are the first in their families to ever own a home

23% identify as a member of the Latino or Black community

25% are households with disabilities